
Pink Frangipani

Copyright © 2019 by Kathiresan Ramachanderam

The Aquaculture Sector in Bhutan

The aquaculture sector in Bhutan mainly revolves around the farming of carps and other native sentient species and that may be because cold water species have difficulty surviving in warmer waters and because the local palate is more attuned to carps and other warm water species. Trout (brown trout) was introduced into Bhutan in the 1930s and the fish is popular with recreational anglers and despite the lack of domestic demand, the fish has done fairly well for itself in Bhutan, and that is largely due to the glacier fed waters that flow from the Himalayan mountain range. A majority of rivers in Bhutan flow from the Himalayas through the narrow defiles at the foot of the mountains, resurfacing in Duar, and eventually filtering through to the Brahmaputra River. These rivers are characteristic of mountain streams, i.e. rivers filled with clear, crisp, rapid flowing waters or waters that are ideal for trout rearing. The longest river in Bhutan is the Manasa River which is named a

The Shaman's Near Death Experience

When we look at many of the ancient shamanic cultures of yesteryear, be it the Altai Shaman, the Mudang Shaman, the Siberian Shaman, the Tamang Shaman, the Tungus Shaman, or the Yakut Shaman, there is one prerequisite that the prospective shaman or the shaman to be must satisfy in order to gain his or her shamanic abilities, and that is to undergo the near-death experience. The near-death experience from all accounts can be the result of a natural illness or a result of an induced illness that reduces the shaman-prospect to the near-death state. Before we go any further it would be appropriate to define or give a definition to the word shaman and though they sometimes act as healers or medicine men or women, shamans are not always necessarily healers. Shamans in short are those among us who have the ability to see and communicate with spirits and it is with the help of these spirits that shamans are able to concoct remedies and foretell the future or remove hexes and malediction