
The subconscious mind

The subconscious mind is the vast depository that stores all our memories from the past and the present and the mind that hypnotists’ resort to for answers and solutions during hypnosis. It is also the mind that is most utilized by ascetics and mystics and it is the mind that rewards them with the ability to foretell the future and bestows upon them the powers of clairvoyance and precognition. The full potential of the subconscious mind remains unknown and, in most instances, it’s never fully realized or utilized. We are all born with our subconscious faculties intact but a majority of us choose not to use them and we are more reliant on the conscious mind because it works towards fulfilling the needs of the senses especially given the fact that we live in a day and age where we are all prone to giving in to our cravings and desires. In fact, we are driven by our ambitions and aspirations and that coupled with the rational thinking process or logic driven thought, leaves almost no

The conscious mind

Having acquired some understanding of the twofold nature of the mind let us now further explore the workings of each component of the mind so that we can acquire a better understanding of the mind and its workings. Let us start with the corporeal mind or the temporal mind, or the mind that in most cases and instances is known as the conscious mind simply because it is the mind that operates while we are awake and continues to operate until the body is asleep, induced or otherwise. Before we go any further, it’s worth briefly at least, explaining the practices of the ancient Hindus to show the order of preference and to explain where the emphasis lies with regards to faith. As far as Hindu ascetics and monks are concerned, the latter mind or the subconscious mind, is far more important than the former mind or the conscious mind. The early Hindus were first and foremost ascetics i.e. they existed first in the meditative or the transcendental state and many of their ancient cit

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