
Gretchen Gottlieb

On May 10, 1970, a Methodist minister by the name of Caroll Jay conducted a hypnosis session with the objective of curing his wife’s, Delores’s, back pain. When Caroll started asking his wife questions under hypnosis, she did reply, as per the norm, but oddly enough she replied in a language that was foreign to her i.e. a language that she had no prior knowledge of, and her answers were all in German. This prompted Caroll to question his wife further and in so doing, he managed to establish the identity of the speaker. Her name was Gretchen Gottlieb and she was murdered when she was 16 years old by some men in a forest close to the town of Eberswalde, in the 1870’s, while she was waiting for her uncle. The information came to light after a series of sessions. Gretchen lived in particularly difficult times, during a period known as Kulturkampf – which was in reference to a struggle between the Roman Catholic Church and the political powers that were trying to subject the church to